Tourist places

Travel to nature and its green beauties always have positive effects on the human spirit and life, and every person will undoubtedly be full of energy by seeing these natural beauties. Every day, especially in the spring days of the year, many trips are made to cities and regions of the country that have better nature, and these regions become one of the main tourist destinations in the country.

Guilan province and Rasht city is one of these cities and regions, which due to its mild and temperate climate, pristine and untouched nature, as well as many historical attractions, is undoubtedly one of the best choices for spring travels. You can create pleasant memories of your spring trip by traveling to this region

Mirza Kuchak Khan Jangali House ;

When traveling to Rasht, without a doubt, your first choice to visit one of the historical attractions of this city could be the house of Mirza Kuchak Khan Jangali, a fighter named Gilani. This house has been uninhabited for 85 years and had become a ruin place. Which was originally reconstructed in 2003 based on the images and photographs obtained by public donations, and hosts tourists and enthusiasts of this influential figure in the history of Iran

Rasht Silk House ;

In the Seyqalan neighborhood of Rasht, a house from the Qajar period  memorial, which is known as the Silk House because it was owned by Haji Mirza Abrishami , This house consists of two halls called Chinese House and Mirror Hall , and each of the halls is decorated with beautiful mirror work and has created a unique image


Kolah farngi building (pavilion) ;

A special style of architecture, with a light structure and sometimes a trinity that is usually built in the middle of gardens and promenades, as a shelter. The culture of Dehkhoda says in this regard: Pergola; It is a mansion in the middle of the arena, a conical dome and a roofed room that is built in the middle of gardens and palaces and is used for relaxation. Pergola Mansion in many provinces of the country such as Qazvin Province (Shah Tahmasb Pergola), South Khorasan Province (Birjand Pergola), Fars Province (Surmaq Pergola), Vakil Shiraz Pergola, Markazi Province (Arak Pergola), Province Gilan-Rasht was built. But a few words about the pergola mansion in Rasht: This building was registered in 1996 by the Cultural Heritage and Tourism Organization with the number 1764 in the list of national monuments of Iran. It has four floors, which looks like three floors from the outside. The first and second floors each have two rooms that are illuminated and ventilated by windows. The tallest room of this mansion is octagonal and has windows on each side that open to the magnificent garden. The materials used in Anaz are wood, plaster and its roof is in the form of trusses and its roof is made of pottery. Around the first floor is a porch and on the second floor is a wooden balcony with 68 columns securing the roof balcony of the building. The slope of the building is made of wooden valves. This building was built during the Qajar period and in ancient times, it was the residence of the rulers and governors of the city, which due to the change of social conditions of the community, was used in various ways, including chess house, restaurant, city park and later completely in the possession of the Cultural Heritage Office. Was placed.


Tomb of the Dana Ali Rasht ;

Dana Ali had followers because of his virtues, and if any old man in Rasht is asked about Dana Ali, he will be happy with the story of rescuing a Haji Rashti who was caught by bandits and thieves in Mecca and took all his money and property from him and finally returned to his hometown safely by Dana Ali and he tells you about praying in Mecca and Rasht in one day.


Lacan salt water spring ;

In the east of Agadana Pir village and on the way from Rasht to Lakan, there is a dense and beautiful forest that has Lakan salt water spring in its heart. After leaving the heart of the earth, this spring falls into a swampy pool whose walls are covered with calcareous sediments.

The water of this spring is salty due to its high salt content and is also known by the same name. The locals consider the water of this spring sacred and bathe in it in the warm season to cure skin diseases.

Lushan brick bridge ;

93 km from Rasht city and in the southernmost part of Guilan province, there is a city called Lushan, through which a river called Shahroud River, one of the tributaries of Sepid River, passes. There is an old bridge on this river, which is 100 meters long and is supported by 7 brick bases of a 7-meter throne. On both sides of the bridge crossing, there is a shelter and the floor of the bridge is paved with rubble.

Tomb of Mirza Kuchak Khan ;

When traveling to Rasht, after visiting the house of Mirza Kuchak Khan Jagli, it is better to visit the tomb of this heroic fighter, which is located in Soleimandrab, Guilan province, south of Rasht 


Rasht Day Market Bazar Bozorg Rasht ;

Rasht Bazaar or the big bazaar of Rasht with an area of 24 hectares is located in the old and central part of the city and is the center of all commercial activities in Gilan province. The architecture of caravanserais and arches in Rasht Bazaar is one of the important tourist attractions of this bazaar. These caravanserais were built during the Qajar period and the early Pahlavi period as the commercial centers of Rasht.

In the corner next to Rasht Bazaar, you can find various manifestations of the beauties of the folk culture of Guilan province, which in turn is very beautiful and attractive; Therefore, Rasht Bazaar is beautiful, lovely and nostalgic, especially for the people of Rasht. And in a word, in every respect, the Rasht market has been the same market for many years, and modernism has not greatly influenced its traditions

Saqalaksar Lake ;

Around the tomb of Agha Seyed Sharif near the city of Shaft, there are several lakes that have a very beautiful nature. One of the largest of these lakes is Saqalaksar earthen dam, which is located near Chamachah and Saqalaksar village and attracts travelers in all seasons. The water of the lake is supplied by rainfall and springs in the region. The height of the lake is 64 meters above sea level, the length of the lake is about 600 meters and its width is 500 meters.

The word Saqalaksar means the place where birds drink water, and in the past, birds such as Lak and Sar came to this village and drank water from the spring in it, which is why this village is called Saqalaksar.

Haji Bakandeh Coastal Area ;

One of the beaches close to the city of Rasht is Haji Bakandeh beach, which can undoubtedly be classified as a pristine, beautiful and clean beach. This beach is located in the middle of Rasht road to Anzali port and leads to the Caspian Sea.

By attending this beach, you can easily enjoy several attractions and attractions, such as the nature of the sea, sandy beach, the possibility of doing beach sports and swimming, fishing, watching group fishing or, in the local dialect, fishing and winter prey, buying fresh fish. Experience fishing and dozens of other attractions together

Bandar Anzali Wetland ;

The International Wetland or Anzali Lagoon is located about 40 km north of Rasht and southwest of Bandar Anzali and the Caspian Sea. This lagoon is a spawning ground and a shelter for native and migratory birds, and there are beautiful islands inside. The area of this wetland in winter and spring due to increased rainfall reaches about 120 square kilometers and in summer and autumn should be reduced to about 80 kilometers.

Anzali Lagoon is one of the most interesting and largest natural habitats of animals in Iran and in general, due to its impressive beauty, as an aquatic-natural ecosystem, can attract many tourists.

Aynak Swamp ;

Aynak Pool or Aynak Swamp of Rasht is a natural reservoir located in the heart of Rasht in the western part of the road from Rasht to Fuman and on Shahid Eftekhari Boulevard. Aynak Wetland is 2630 meters long and 120 meters wide with an average width of half a century.

This pool extends from the Square of the shohadaye gomnam to the yakh sazi  square and in front of it there is a forest road on the east side of which is the old natural glacier of rain city and inside it there is a spring called Chamarsara spring which has drinking water and people use it.

Rural Heritage Museum ;

When you travel to Guilan province and the city of Rasht, at 18 km of the Rasht-Qazvin freeway, before reaching the Saravan-Rasht road police, you will encounter a wooden sign that reads "Gilan Rural Heritage Museum".

The museum presents a tangible picture of traditional life in which architecture, customs, handicrafts and indigenous arts can be closely observed and rural life can be experienced; This museum provides a space for the people of this land to become more and better acquainted with the recent past of their fathers and mothers.



Guilan Rural Heritage Museum is the only national experience in the field of preservation of rural culture and architecture with the concept of open air museum in Iran. This museum, which is unique in its kind in the Middle East and Central Asia, has been designed with the aim of preserving and preserving the material and spiritual heritage of the people of Guilan.

Undoubtedly, there are many tourist attractions in the city of Rasht and its green nature that you should definitely travel to this city and touch them closely.